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The Tale of 4 Investors…
Written by Steve | Published: |
Well 2022 has been an interesting ride so far.
If you look at this chart really quick the S&P 500 has dropped over 10% since the beginning of the year.
We are now below the 200 day moving average.
So what does that mean?
When you see some of these swift moves how does this make you feel?
Does it change the way you think?
Like I say to all of those I work with, if you have any money in the bank, 401k, stock/bond market, real estate etc. you are an INVESTOR.
And as an investor it’s your job to take ownership and drive to protect and grow your assets.
So based on the pic below what type of investor are you:
The Ostrich – don’t even know you are an investor and/or don’t want to look at any data, just want to stick your head in the sand and hope it all comes out ok? Hope is not a strategy
Nervous Nellie – sweating over any market volatility, announcement from the fed, or socialist media post. Get’s frozen in fear and worry.
The Spartan – “Hey the market is driving down let’s attack!” Aggressive is an understatement. Remember most people lose money based on two primary emotions… FEAR and GREED.
The Pro – Calm cool collected. Been there before, has things set and knows exactly what to do (or not do).
There is an obvious choice on where you should be, but you have pieces of all these types of investors. You just need to get to the point where THE PRO wins in your head more times than all of the other voices.
If you need help using strategies and financial instruments like the pros to protect your downside risk and help you capture the market gains, let me know if we can help.