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Dances with Financial Wolves
Written by Steve | Published: |
Welcome to 2022, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years season!
There are so many exciting things to look forward to this year, I hope you have some big plans in the works.
Have you ever watched the movie “Dances with Wolves”?
That movie may be one of Kevin Costner’s best films.
In the movie Kevin’s character ends up befriending a wolf.
Fortunately, this wolf helped watch out for Kevin and let him know when people were coming.
In life….wolves generally are not so nice.
Typically, they are known for ravaging, plundering and causing chaos.
Recently a revealing documentary came out called “The Baby Boomer Dilemma”. In this film it digs into potential financial wolves that could cause you to have an unsuccessful retirement.
Some of them you may not realize.
The film is chock full of PhDs, top economists and Nobel Prize winners.
Never has a cast of top experts been assembled on this specific subject.
Many who watch this movie walk away with a stronger roadmap of how to retire successfully in today’s new economy.
If you want a copy, simply respond to this email with your name and address….and I’ll get a copy to you in the mail.
Onward and upward, let’s make 2022 your best year yet!